Is Your Boss Nuts?
It's National Bosses Day, so why don't we go down a checklist and evaluate your boss's mental health. Here are some signs your boss might be a little on the nuts side, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Let me preface this with, as far as I can tell, my boss is totally sane. But, then again, I probably am not qualified to make such an assumption.
If any of these apply to your boss, it might be a good idea to keep one eye open while you sleep at work.
He wants to start Casual Straight Jacket Fridays
His secretary is a chimpanzee in a miniskirt
The family in the picture on his desk is yours
He pees between cars in the parking lot
He's dating a statue
Uses a Crazy 8 Ball to make all big decisions
He quotes Rudy Giuliani
He hired you
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