The annual "Meet Your First Responders" event will take place Thursday June 13 at the Benton County Fairgrounds from 4-8 p.m.  The organizer of the event is Brian Duchene.  He along with Andy Mohs from Miller Buick/GMC and both Sonja Gidlow and Jen Odette from the Greater St. Cloud Public Safety Foundation joined me on WJON.

The Greater St. Cloud Safety Foundation was established in 2015 as a non profit.  Gidlow says their mission is to be a leading advocate for public safety for Stearns, Benton and Sherburne Counties.

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The event showcases local first responders.  The event started in 2016 and has happened every year except 2020 due to the pandemic.  Duchene has been involved since the beginning and says every year they get more sponsors and participants.  It is free to attend and features include canine demonstrations, search and recue demonstrations, and the state patrol helicopter.  The event will also include local police, fire departments, and EMS.

This free event will also include free hot dogs and brats.  A donation to support first responders is also encouraged.

If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Brian, Sonja, Jen and Andy, it is available below.



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