As heard on the February 3rd show:


1. Tom Hanks Has a Rapping Son

Today we learned that Tom Hanks has more kids than just Colin and one of them is a white rapper named Chet Haze.  What kind of "hard times" can this kid possibly be writing lyrics about?  Must have been rough growing up with a superstar Dad who makes millions on his movies.  Here's just one of his songs so you can get a feel for just how gangsta this kid is.





2. Fifty Shades of Grey Teddy Bear

The Vermont Teddy Bear Company has released a steamy new addition just in time for Valentines day.  It's a Fifty Shades of Grey Teddy Bear that comes with a sexy bedroom mask and tiny little handcuffs.  It could be the perfect gift for the Christian  Grey obsessed woman in your life for the low, low price of $89.99.  Yikes.




 3. Vaccination Recap

Yesterday we were talking about how American's feel about vaccinations according to a new poll on YouGov.  The good news is, over half of parents in the U.S. think it's important to vaccinate kids.  Bad news is, a good percentage of parents still think vaccinations cause things like autism.  How do you feel about this hot button issue?





 4. Jimmy the Groundhog

We've all heard of the famous Punxsutawney Phil, but did you know that Wisconsin has it's own groundhog in Sun Prairie.  His name is Jimmy and apparently he's a biter.  He took a chunk out of the town's mayor during a live broadcast on Groundhog Dog.  Not only that, but after the mayor said Jimmy predicted an early spring, the handlers corrected him and said it would be six more weeks of winter.  How about we just leave things up to Phil?






 5. Kid Suspended for Threatening to Wield the "One Ring"

It worries us that the teachers at this school do not know what "Lord of the Rings" is.  Or at least that's what we're assuming.  Why else would they suspend a kid from class, because he threatened to make his friend disappear with the "One Ring" to rule them all?  The 9-year-old is being accused of making a terroristic threat.  Well, to be fair, there is a lot of power in the fires of Mount Doom.





6. Naked Guy in Blizzard

It's not every day you see a naked cowboy just walking down the middle of a freeway during a blizzard in Michigan.  Or is it?  Maybe this kind of thing happens all the time there?







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