My Review of ROCKETMAN
Yesterday I decided that I would finally see Rocketman. Which is the bio-pic of Elton John's life. Elton John and husband David Furnish serve as executive producers for the movie. So, you know basically, this is an accurate portrayal.
What I didn't realize is that this is a musical. Not a show with music, it's an actual musical. I normally can not stand musicals. There are a few exceptions. The Sound of Music being one of them, The Wizard of Oz being another. But generally, I really don't like them. This one is also going to have to go into the exception bin. I really enjoyed this movie. I feel like the music, as being sung by the cast really played a part in the movie, and it wasn't overdone. It definitely told the story as to what was happening in his life.
There is a really cool part of the movie- I would even say probably the best part, was the scene where "Your Song" comes into being. Now, according to Bernie Taupin, who is and was Elton's writing partner, wasn't EXACTLY how it happened, but as Elton John says "It’s obviously not all true, but it’s the truth."
The movie is very well done, and very worth the watch. See it on the big screen.
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