Need Some Furniture? Strip Club Offers Free Couches
I don't know just how hard up one has to be to take advantage of this generous offer. Who wouldn't want a nice used couch from a strip club complete with stains and maybe even a colony of crabs?
Scarlett's Cabaret in Toledo, Ohio is offering up all their used couches for absolutely free. That's right, you can own one of these great conversation pieces. I can just hear it now, "I love the smell of cheap perfume and Kwell shampoo".
The strip club does admit there may be a stain or two...or ten on the couches. There also may be some slight smoke damage due to a recent fire at the strip club.
As their way of doing public service, they are offering the couches for free on Facebook Marketplace with a pretty accurate disclaimer. "Warning: May contain stains from unknown body fluids. Use at your own risk".
I think I'll have to pass on this one.
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