Pole Dancing Principal Fired (video)
I probably went to school during the most boring time ever. It seems there is a lot more bizarre stuff going on in schools around the world than there was when I was a student.
Back then, I can't ever recall a student hooking up with a hot teacher. In fact, I can't even remember having a hot teacher. Maybe like everything else in school, I just wasn't paying attention.
There was this kindergarten principal in China that wanted to try something different and memorable to welcome students to class. What she came up with, I don't think she quite thought it through.
The ceremony commemorating the first day of kindergarten was attended by 500 children between 3 and 6 and about 100 parents. When they arrived, they were treated to their principal doing a pole dancing routine for all to enjoy.
Parents were not thrilled and many pulled their children from the school and demanded refunds. The pole dancing principal was fired and I'll bet you can catch her pole dancing somewhere.
Check out the video and let me know what you think.
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