St Cloud Law Firm Sued After Firing Lawyers Over Politics
The events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th upset most all of us but the president of a St Cloud law firm, Kain and Scott, took things a bit too far.
William Kain, Margaret Henehan and Kelsey Quarberg have filed a wrongful termination suit against the firm's president, Wesley Scott.
Evidently, Scott was so upset about the January 6th attack on the Capitol, that he told the law firm's operation manager to fire two of the lawyers/partners employed there for being racist because they had shown support for former president, Donald Trump. Scott considered them racist because of their support for Trump and the police on social media.
I'm not a lawyer but even I am aware that you cannot fire someone for their political beliefs.

According to the latest information released on this story, the employees were fired for telling the firm's president, Wesley Scott that he couldn't fire employees because of their political beliefs. Evidently, that didn't sit well with Scott.
Here's how it allegedly went down. The three filing the wrongful termination lawsuit were partners in the firm of Kain & Scott in St Cloud. They claim that Scott was so enraged at what happened at the Capitol on January 6th the he told the firm's operation manager to fire 2 of the lawyers he considered to be racist and Trump supporters.
The operation manager informed Scott that it was illegal to fire people because if their political beliefs. So, he forced the operations manager to resign and fire one of the two attorneys. He also threatened to fire the other.
When the other 2 attorneys informed him that, yes, it is illegal to fire employees for political beliefs he then fired them. One of those fired, Kelsey Quarberg, is pregnant. Scott called the police to have her removed from the premises and said she was trespassing and physically threatening him.
Scott told other employees at Kain & Scott Law Firm that the fired partners were violating “everything that is dear to us and I won't let that happen.”
(The MiddletownPress)
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