St Cloud State Prison In COVID-19 Lockdown
I can only imagine how much it sucks to be locked up in prison during the holidays. Not just because of the obvious reasons like being away from family and all that.
But to be locked up and have COVID-19 would make for an extra miserable existence. Although, I have never been an inmate in a prison, i just picture it as being a very cold depressing environment, especially if you are saddled with the coronavirus.
According to Minnesota Department of Corrections communication director, Sarah Fitzgerald, out of the 623 inmates in the facility, 335 have COVID, as of Thursday. 59 staff members are at home quarantining after testing positive for the virus.
Since the beginning of the pandemic in Minnesota, 504 St Cloud inmates have tested positive for the virus.
The St Cloud prison's intake center has been on lockdown since the end of October and inmates are infected in every unit in the facility. The Department of Corrections is attempting to slow down the intake of inmates into the facility, according to Fitzgerald.
So, as bummed out as I am that I most likely won't be with a lot of my family this holiday season, At least I'm not locked up in a cold, depressing prison with COVID-19 running rampant through the place.
Yes sir, it's the little things in life.
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