Retail sales of marijuana won't be allowed in Minnesota until 2025. But that rule doesn't apply to tribal nations. One community in southeast Minnesota plans to open their dispensary this month.
Recreational marijuana became legal in Minnesota August 1st. Stearns County Sheriff Steve Soyka joined me on WJON to discuss what, if anything has changed. He says they have seen limited changes in the amount of marijuana issues since the law change which he says is a "good thing".
The State of Minnesota has taken steps toward the legalization of recreational marijuana with the passage of separate bills in the House and Senate at the Minnesota State Legislature.
The law which took effect on Friday allows people 21 and older to buy edibles and beverages that contain a limited amount of THC, the ingredient in marijuana that creates a high.
The State legislature is likely to address the possibility of legalizing marijuana for more than medical use during the 2020 legislative session. State Representative Tim O'Driscoll from Sartell joined me on WJON today.