Star Trek’s rebooted cinematic tenure under J.J. Abrams has led to diminishing returns, Star Trek 3 just barely making it off the ground, leading many to wonder when Gene Roddenberry’s iconic franchise might return to its TV roots. That time may already be upon us, CBS is reportedly looking to boldly go forward with a new TV Star Trek.
We have very sad news to report from The New York Times: Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek’s Mr. Spock for almost 50 years, has died. Nimoy’s wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, told the Times the cause of death was “end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.” The beloved actor and director was 83 years old.
When I was younger I had a huge crush on Wesley Crusher. Not only is he cute, he's also nice to little kids and gives the best response I can think of to a little girl who asked him about how to respond when she's called a 'nerd'.