The Crud: How This Simple Tool Can Change Cold and Flu Season
It's cold and flu season. Everyone has been talking about 'The Crud,' that's going around, and with all the hand washing we are doing, it doesn't seem to be keeping us safe from catching a cold, the flu, or let alone Covid. The sneezing, blowing our noses, and coughing are just all par for the course as we welcome in 2025.
Today, I had the pleasure of meeting two brilliant gentlemen who talked to me about the 'anti-microbial power' of Copper, and how it can significantly improve the effectiveness of sanitizing. These two charming gents have appeared on local Minnesota TV stations as well. (You can watch a video below.)
They have studies that show using a product called 'CopperTouch' can kill germs in a minute or less. Skeptical? Why wouldn't you be...but it makes sense once you see the data.

Before we get into that, I was shocked to learn that only 3 to 5% of people who wash their hands are NOT doing it right. We are supposed to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds (or the length it would take you to sing the Happy Birthday song,) and most people don't take that time needed to kill germs. So if you wash your hands at every bathroom break, but you only wash your hands for 5 seconds each time, you still have dirty hands. You haven't washed your hands long enough to kill those germs. You might as well not have washed them at all unless you're doing it right.
Rubbing your hands with copper can kill microbes that you want dead! E.Coli, MRSA, Norovirus, Salmonella, Listeria, etc. I learned today that studies have been shown for years now, that when you rub copper with your hands, bacteria is short-circuited, weakening its membrane, causing a rupture in the membrane, and killing it, essentially.

But no matter how many times we wash our hands in a day, it can't protect us from everything. CopperTouch has created an easy-to-carry product that never expires and can help keep you and your loved ones safe from catching a cold to catching COVID-19.
Robert 'Bob" Esse and his sister-in-law Claire Troxel, are the founders of CopperTouch. They created the product after discussing how odor-killing products worked on hands and wondered if there was a product that could also kill germs. Bob, having studied copper-embedded products, (and who has a degree in physics from St. Olaf College,) teamed up with his friend, Jon DeVries, who has a PhD in Organic chemistry, and a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry, to explore copper's ancient uses in combating germs.
They found that rubbing copper on hands significantly reduced germ kill time. Lab tests showed that CopperTouch kills up to 99% of germs and provides a natural, effective way to sanitize hands. They agree that CopperTouch is perfect for everyday use, lasts a lifetime, and it's ideal for all ages. It does sound to good to be true; until you look at the facts.
Bob and Jon were telling me how even back in ancient times when people were trying to distribute water, they noticed that containers that were made of wood would get slimy, but carrying in copper containers, it didn't. Even then they knew that slimy was bad, and clear water was the best.
You can listen to my interview with Bob and Jon by clicking on the player below:
If you want to learn more about CopperTouch, you can reach out to Bob and Jon at CopperTouch.com. Also, if you decide you want to purchase their product, you can receive 20% off if you use code WJON25 at checkout during the month of January 2025.
- Just like you would use a bar of soap, you rub the CopperTouch disc on and around your hands for at least 60 seconds. Make sure to cover all surfaces and in between your fingers and the tops of your hands.
- Do not use lotion or oily substances on your hands when using CopperTouch, as it won't let you kill germs effectively unless the copper can touch your skin directly.
- That's it! You can use it as many times throughout the day as necessary, and the CopperTouch disc doesn't expire.
You can clean your CopperTouch should it get something on it, as the way it works is through direct contact with your skin.
It's really interesting. If you decide to make a purchase, they send lots of information in the packet that includes:
- Instructions on how to use CopperTouch
- What to expect with the arrival of your CopperTouch
- A factual pamphlet explaining exactly how copper works.
Bob Esse has approximately 20 inventions that bear his name, and his friend Jon is always interested in investigating new or rediscovered technologies, and then promoting them if it makes sense to do so.
CopperTouch, LLC/YouTube
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