Turkey Prices Up in Time for Thanksgiving
UNDATED (WJON News) - The Thanksgiving feast may be a little harder on the checkbook this year.
Farm Bureau reports boneless, skinless turkey breasts hit a record high in September of $6.70 per pound. That’s up 112% from last year. All food prices are up about 11%, but the bureau expects there will be enough turkeys to go around this fall.

Nathan Hulinski, Regional Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota Extension, says after two springs of Avian Influenza outbreaks, Minnesota’s flock size is down about 7%, and demand is slightly higher due to more people eating at home.
Hulinski reports the state had roughly 62,000 processed turkeys in cold storage at the end of October. That’s up from roughly 55,000 turkeys ready in October of 2021 and 61,000 in October 2020.
While the supply of turkeys is slightly higher, Hulinski is quick to point out that shipping, processing, and diesel fuel are driving the costs higher at the stores.
A check for frozen turkey breast in St. Cloud reported $3.49/pound.