What the F*%k Happened?
One thing for certain, you either get older or you die. Neither appeal to me, really.
I recently stumbled upon this picture of me in my mid twenties. About thirty pounds, a million or so hairs and a trillion brain cells ago.
I have a theory that nature lets your eyesight deteriorate slowly as you age out of kindness. This way you can't see what's really happening. Some days I look in the mirror and wonder who the hell that guy is.
They say your face is a road map of your life. Well, I say, it seems I've done some traveling.
Happy to be past the point in life, you know, your teens and twenties, where your organ makes a lot of your decisions and you are basically just transportation for it.
For a lot of us, you put on a few pounds, lose some hair (which I think means you're more evolved).
Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't change a thing. You see, the older you get, the less you care what other people think. I've led a good life and slightly out of the ordinary life.
I had a whole lot more to say but it seems I've forgotten what it was.....