Would You Pay More Money For The Best Seats At A Minnesota Movie Theater?
How do you feel about movie theaters charging more for the best seats in the house? Sort of like you are going to a concert? Are you okay with paying premium rates for select seats in the middle of the theatre, and paying less for the front few rows, or seats on the outside?

For me, it depends on what they are doing to the prices. If I have to sit in the front two rows, I definitely will NOT be going to the movies anymore. I honestly get sick and tired of not being able to afford tickets to concerts, and only being able to sit in the nose bleeds. Same thing with professional sporting events. I would LOVE to purchase tickets to see my favorite teams up close, but alas, I'm usually going with someone who offered to bring me. I'm not complaining about that! It's a real treat when I get the opportunity to go, so I rarely turn down the offer.
If it means that the overall prices for the best seats in the house are going to be higher than they already are, I'm not so sure I like it. I feel like movies are the one thing we should all be able to enjoy equally. We aren't talking about seeing anyone LIVE. It's a movie!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some theater chains are already making this a reality. AMC Theaters are going to be charging more for the middle of the auditorium, and less if you are sitting in the front row.
Some theaters are also considering charging more for movies that are in high demand. Avatar for example; or Top Gun. So if the movie sucks you can go see it at a lower price, but if it's a good one, they are going to make sure you pay for it.
So far, I haven't seen anything regarding our Marcus Parkwood Cinemas, but if one chain is doing it, does that mean all will follow suit if it's successful?
How do you feel about this?
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