Your Kid Could Be The Next Mikey
Remember the old Life Cereal commercials? Hey Mikey! He likes it!! It was the phrase that everyone associated with the little kid from that commercial for the longest time. That is until Michael Jordan came along. But occasionally I still hear people say Hey Mikey! Instead of the Michael Jordan- I wanna be like Mike. But anyway, is your kid the next Mikey? Could be...
If you have a boy OR a girl between the ages of 4 and 8, Quaker is holding auditions and your kid could be the next Mikey, or whatever they decide to name the child. They even provided a 4 line script to audition with. Cool right?
This is where you send in an audition video. And apparently it needs to be submitted by April 27th. So good luck!! Could be pretty cool to have a kid get the part of the St. Cloud area, wouldn't it?