
Area Fireworks Shows
Area Fireworks Shows
Area Fireworks Shows
The 4th of July is literally around the corner and since it's my favorite holiday, I had to take a look to see what there was for fireworks shows in Central Minnesota.  Here are a few that look pretty cool to me!
David Lee Roth Explains Those Postponed Van Halen Tour Dates
David Lee Roth Explains Those Postponed Van Halen Tour Dates
David Lee Roth Explains Those Postponed Van Halen Tour Dates
No matter what you’ve heard, the guys in Van Halen are getting along just fine, thankyouverymuch, and only postponed some concert dates because they “bit off more than they could chew.” That’s the skinny straight from VH frontman David Lee Roth, who recorded a video to explain the recent events — in his own words.
Alice Cooper and Aerosmith Jam Out at Movie Premiere [VIDEO]
Alice Cooper and Aerosmith Jam Out at Movie Premiere [VIDEO]
Alice Cooper and Aerosmith Jam Out at Movie Premiere [VIDEO]
'Dark Shadows' is an upcoming movie based on a soap opera style television show that aired on ABC from 1966 - 1971. The movie version remake stars Johnny Depp and opens in theaters this Friday. The movie premiere party went down Monday night in L.A. and some big rockers hit the stage to jam, check out the video.