2 Years Later, Boy Thrown Off MOA Balcony Still Recovering
Two years ago we heard horrible a story about the 5 year old boy that was picked up by a stranger and thrown off a 3rd story balcony at the Mall of America.
It's a miracle that he survived but it hasn't been an easy road for little Landen on his long road to recovery. I can't imagine, as a parent, the worry, anger, etc.
Monday was the 2 year anniversary of the incident and a family friend has taken on the task of updating everyone on Landen's recovery. Here is her latest update from Monday.
APRIL 12, 2021
by Noah Hanneman, Organizer
Two years ago, our family suffered an unimaginable tragedy at the hands of a stranger. We are often asked to ‘share our story’ about that day and our journey since. We know people are curious and want to hear about our sweet boy and our family, but that is not something we are ready or able to do at this time.
It has been a long journey to this two-year anniversary, and it will continue to be a long road of mental, physical and emotional recovery and healing – for Landen and our entire family. We are, however, so thankful to the Lord that Landen is with us and our family is whole.
We also want to thank all of you who continue to pray for us each and every day. You continue to give us hope and show us the Glory of God’s great love here on earth.
It's heartbreaking what this little boy has had to endure because of this violent, senseless act by a stranger. Four months in the hospital and multiple surgeries. Besides the mental trauma, Landen Hoffman has had surgeries for a broken leg, two broken arms and the removal of his spleen.
That's enough for anyone to have to go through, let alone a little boy. He also endured procedures to remove fluid from his lungs and stomach, not to mention work done to repair skull and facial fractures.
Landen's Go Fund Me page has raised over a million dollars but I'm thinking his medical bills are astronomical. If you'd like to donate, here's where to go https://www.gofundme.com/f/Landonprayers
The man responsible for Landen's injuries was pleaded guilty to attempted murder and was sentenced to 19 years in prison. Just doesn't seem like enough, does it?
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