84% Of Americans Want Another Wave of Stimulus Checks
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of us in financial difficulties. Many have yet to receive the first stimulus check. Even those that have say, as the weeks go by, $1200 isn't going very far.
According to a recent survey, 84% of Americans want another round of stimulus checks. With rent, mortgages, food and all our other bills and no paycheck coming in, money is pretty tight for most.
One big reason for wanting the new wave of stimulus checks is 29% of Americans say they are less than a month away from running out of money.
Congress is considering giving all over the age of 16 a monthly check of $2000 for up to 12 months, with income restrictions. I really don't know where all this money is supposed to come from but many are in desperate need.
The survey says people want relief money to go to those that need it most. Survey said 50% think money should go to small business. 47% say the people and only 3% said big business.
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