I wish all companies (mostly mine) would take a look at doing this. It just makes sense. A well rested employee is just bound to be more productive as well as creative.

SteelHouse is an advertising company and CEO, Mark Douglas, offers his employees unlimited vacation time and gives each employee a $2000 vacation expense account.

Douglas said some employees asked if they could skip the vacation and still get the two thousand but Douglas believes his employees are much more productive and creative when they are rested.


 "Our culture is really simple" he said "It's based on trust and ambition".

The results of this revolutionary practice have spoken for themselves. Douglas says "In the last three years, only five people out of 250 have left the company, three of whom left for reasons not related to the job. "We have virtually no turnover".

Douglas thinks more companies should adopt this practice and I agree. I'm sure it takes progressive thinking CEO's but ,who knows, it could catch on and become the norm.

(Source, Business Insider)


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