Employer Is Doing “Smell Checks” In Restrooms?
I can't say that I completely disagree with this policy. We have 2 options for the ol' Number 2 here at the station. So when nature calls it's pretty much a crap shoot (sorry) finding and open toilet.
People reading on the can or using their phone can really tie up available toilets. You know, it isn't a library, right?
This unnamed company instituted a new policy to make sure people weren't just sitting on the can reading or playing on their phone.
They actually put up a sign saying that after you've been in the bathroom for 10 minutes, they will send someone in to do a "SMELL CHECK" and it better stink or you will be reported.
So, I guess, the message here is to get your business done and get out of there. If it takes you longer than 10 minutes to go, see a doctor!
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