Gnats Seem Really Bad this Year- You’re Not Imagining It
Every Spring/Summer outdoor activities like mowing the lawn, working in the yard, going for a walk, whatever it is can be wrecked by the abundance of bugs. Specifically gnats. That is before the mosquitos come out in full force. I fing that they are mostly just a nuisance, but they can also bite. Gnats are sometimes referred to as biting black flies.
I did think that maybe the gnats were worse this year, but also that it might have just seemed that way. Turns out, they are really bad this year. Most of the information comes out of the metro area, but I just think that people from here haven't made that much of a statement about the gnats. Although I haven't noticed them biting that much, maybe it's just been luck.
Metropolitan Mosquito Control District has this to say to Bring Me the News:
Mostly these pesky things have been around water areas, standing water, streams, lakes, pools, and wooded areas. With the fishing opener this weekend, it's probably a good idea to bring along some good bug repellant.
Some other ways to avoid these little pests:
- Since black flies like darker colors, wear light-colored clothing
- Cover as much skin as possible - they won't bite through clothes
- Peak feeding time is mid-morning and afternoon, so try to avoid those periods
- Scented shampoo, deodorant and perfume and attract black flies
- Insect repellants can be effective, though aren't foolproof - use an EPA-approved repellant, with DEET or other active ingredients (such as picaridin and lemon oil of eucalyptus)
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