Have You Purchased A Gun This Year?
I have been on this planet for a fair amount of time and I have to say, the year 2020 has been the most disturbing year I can recall. Some of it, a lot of us saw coming a few years ago.
I was at Scheels, in Fargo, awhile back before the pandemic shutdowns, and I noticed a line in the store about 50 people long. I thought, wow, must be offering some pretty good free samples. Well, I was wrong. These people were all lining up to shop for a gun.
I grew up with guns in the house and I have absolutely not problem with a responsible, mentally balanced adult owning one. Currently, I do not own a gun but recently my wife and I have discussed having one in the house. You need to be able to protect your family, right?
What bothers me is, we don't necessarily want a gun but feel that we should have one, just in case. I can't help but think this is just a sign of the times. Riots, pandemic, economic uncertain times for many, hate groups etc.
Have you purchased a gun this year? What was your main motivation? Did you grow up around guns? Do you have a conceal/carry permit?