Hormel Giving Away Bacon Scented Masks
It's just that time... remember when wearing a mask seemed completely weird and awkward? Ok, it's still pretty awkward, but it's seems much more of the norm than it did just a few months ago. The only way you can make it fun is to have some kind of crazy masks. I've seen different sayings, patterns, faces on the face mask, and other things.
But this one is a first... a scented mask.
Hormel, located in Austin, Minnesota, is giving away some Black Label Bacon masks. And yes, they actually are scented like bacon. Now, I like bacon as much as the next bacon loving person, but actually smelling that all day; if you have to wear a mask all day; is maybe a bit much. I'm not sure that scent would be as appetizing at the end of the day as it is when you first put that thing on. But maybe I'm wrong. There may be a whole lot of people who think this is an awesome idea.
Here's the deal-
Hormel is calling it "breathable bacon". They are even going further and calling it "a revolutionary face mask featuring the latest in pork scented technology". Who knew there was a market for that??
I'll be honest with you, I never thought of people liking bacon, as a "fan" but I guess that would be the best description, wouldn't it? So, how do you get one of these scented accessories? There is actually a contest going. Now, through the 28th of October, you can go to breathablebacon.com and register for one. Along with that, there is also a really good secondary cause going on. Hormel will also donate one meal to "Feeding America" up to 10,000 meals. That's a great deal!
So, whether you wear it or not, it's a fun little novelty thing, and meals are donated too, so, why not?
Take a Hike at Mille Lacs Kathio State Park