List of New Laws That Take Effect in Minnesota in 2020
A new year means some new changes. There are a few new laws to keep in mind that will be taking effect in our great state this coming year, some even went into practice on the first.
If you are working a minimum wage job, look for a little bit of a raise. It isn't much, but it's something. As of January 1st 2020, minimum wage goes up 14 cents an hour, up to $10 an hour if you work for a large employer.
In August, medical marijuana will be available for people with chronic pain, or macular degeneration.
Starting in September the minimum age for a person buying any tobacco product goes up from 18 to 21.
As of October 2020, federal employees will get 12 weeks paid family leave when they have a baby through birth, adoption or foster care.
Also starting in October, Minnesotans will need a real ID to board any domestic flight or enter a federal facility like a Social Security office.
This is a law I'm definitely in favor of. It will now be illegal to sell certain animal parts in Minnesota, including tooth or tusk from any of these species:
- elephant
- hippopotamus
- mammoth
- mastodon
- walrus
- whale
- narwhal.
It will also be illegal to sell any part of a rhinoceros horn. Thank you state law makers for doing what you can to stop the trade of these items and work towards saving species.
To see the list of all the laws going into effect this year, visit the WCCO website.