Man Sues Parents for Destroying His Porn Collection
There are a lot of people that collect things. Stamps, coins, art, etc. But porn? Although I've heard of these people, I don't think I personally know any, but I guess this is probably the kind of collecting you don't necessarily share with others.
So, this guy gets divorced and is forced to move back in with his parents. Stuff happens, right? After ten months living with his parents, paying no rent by the way, he moves out of state.
He asked his parents to pack up his stuff and bring it to his new home. When they arrived he noticed that his beloved porn collection was missing. He asked his parents what happened to it and they told him they had destroyed it.
Going back several years, his father had told him he would destroy any porn he found in his house after his son was suspended from school for selling porn to his friends. And that is just what he did when packing up his son's stuff and found his collection of porn.
Now, we're not talking a box or two of porn, more like 12 moving boxes full. That's a lot of porn. The son filed a civil suit asking for over 86 thousand dollars. He valued the porn collection at just over 28 thousand dollars but was seeking 16 thousand in punitive damages and more because some of his porn items were no longer available on the market.
Maybe this guy just need a girlfriend.
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