Minnesota Man Breaks Into Wisconsin Home To Take A Bath
You know what they say, many great stories begin with alcohol. Some may think that is a sad state but you have to admit, some great stories come out of the over indulgence of libations.

I can't remember doing anything quite as crazy as this guy in my drinking days. That doesn't mean I didn't do anything just as crazy, I just don't remember.
I can only imagine what this guy from St Paul was thinking at the time. Possibly, he just wanted to wash the stench off acquired during an extended alcohol bender. Another possibility could be he just wanted to freshen up before heading out on another brain cell massacre. Either way, you have to commend him for his dedication to maintaining proper hygiene.
So far, the name of of this buzzed up 29 year old from St Paul has not been released and no word on what he was doing, besides drinking, in Chippewa Falls.
According to KFGO News, this man from St Paul, Minnesota broke into a home in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. The home was actually occupied at the time of the break in. The man seemed to know exactly what he wanted when he broke in because he walked straight to the bathroom, shut the door and locked it behind him.
The homeowner called the Chippewa Police to remove the man from their bathroom. When the police got to the home, they ordered the man to come out of the bathroom immediately.
The St Paul man came out wearing only a t-shirt and underwear. His pants were found on the bathroom floor.
Police said the man, unfortunately, was unable to take his bath and reeked of alcohol. He is facing possible charges including burglary and criminal trespass. I'm sure he meant no harm, just needed a bath.
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