Minnesotans, This Hiccup Cure Works Every Time
Over the years I bet I've heard hundreds of supposed cures for a case of the hiccups. Swallow water standing on your head, have someone scare you, fart, burp and sneeze all at the same time.
You get the picture. Do any of these really work? Doubtful. When I was a bartender in Houston, Texas, a cocktail waitress whose father happened to be a hypnotist taught me a very simple technique to rid yourself or someone else of the hiccups and it really works! It worked so good that I soon started charging bar customers five bucks to cure their hiccups, guaranteed.
My wife tends to suffer from frequent bouts with the hiccups. She was pretty skeptical about my cure, thinking it was one of those gimmick remedies described above. She finally was so frustrated with her hiccup problem, she agreed to try this cure.
Guess what? It works for her every time. So, here is the cure;
- Stand up straight
- Close your eyes
- Let your arms hang loosely by your side and relax your upper body.
- Take a deep breath
- Slowly let it out while counting backwards from ten with your arms hanging totally relaxed by your side.
By the time you hit zero, your hiccups should be gone. The most important thing is to totally relax your upper body with your arms hanging like they are dead.
See if it works for you. It's never failed me and I've done it hundreds of times.
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