"Traffic Calming Measures". Sounds like an oxymoron of rage-inducing poppycock [haha...poppy]. It's a real thing, though, and it's been implemented in Minneapolis.

And it's working so well that the application process is as backed up as traffic on Highway 10 North on a Friday afternoon.

Minnesota Traffic Calming Program Works, But The Application Process Is Backed Up

I feel SO CALM RIGHT NOW (Photo by Erik Zünder on Unsplash)
I feel SO CALM RIGHT NOW (Photo by Erik Zünder on Unsplash)

For the record: road construction is NOT part of the traffic calming program (at least not directly). Upon completion, it (should) make traffic flow gooder. But this isn't about that.

Traffic calming uses speed humps, curb extensions, small traffic circles, and mid-block median islands. The goal is to slow cars down to make it safer for walkers.

WRONG WALKERS (Photo by Serj Sakharovskiy on Unsplash)
WRONG WALKERS (Photo by Serj Sakharovskiy on Unsplash)

The City of Minneapolis is an estimated 850 requests behind. The problem is each request is spendy: it'd cost $15 million just to fulfill the requests by 2025, then another $7 million each year from 2025 to 2028.

This program is only for neighborhood streets. County and state streets aren't eligible for the program.

"And then we'll calm the parking lots!" (Photo by Bas Peperzak on Unsplash)
"And then we'll calm the parking lots!" (Photo by Bas Peperzak on Unsplash)

Should St. Cloud implement traffic calming measures? Judging by reactions every time a roundabout gets installed, it'd probably have the opposite effect than intended. If there's one thing that most people can agree on, it's the "Keep Calm" mantra only works on the British.

laughs in free healthcare (Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash)
laughs in free healthcare (Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash)
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H/T: The Minnesota Daily

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Gallery Credit: Vincethesignguy.com

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