Social Media

Morning Show Rundown
Morning Show Rundown
Morning Show Rundown
The Smart Belt that tells you when you're getting fat, an app that can detect when you're being snooped on, and Jesse & Lucy take on the first video trend of 2015 - helium burps.
Social Media Becoming A Huge Pain In The Ass
Social Media Becoming A Huge Pain In The Ass
Social Media Becoming A Huge Pain In The Ass
A new survey on social media from a company called E-Score finds that while we use platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Facebook, a lot of us don't necessarily enjoy them. Why do people use social media if they don't like or trust it?
Christmas Tree Powered by Social Media [VIDEO]
Christmas Tree Powered by Social Media [VIDEO]
Christmas Tree Powered by Social Media [VIDEO]
This 30-foot Christmas tree stands in Toronto's Union Station, and the lights are powered by social media. The creators of the Christmas Spirit Tree are calling it "the first Christmas tree powered by Christmas spirit". Super cool - check it out!!!!
Facebook’s New Timeline Coming Soon [VIDEO]
Facebook’s New Timeline Coming Soon [VIDEO]
Facebook’s New Timeline Coming Soon [VIDEO]
Facebook's new news feed that premiered earlier this week had many users upset over the change. Well this is me warning you now - prepare for a lot more change. These are not small changes either, Facebook is going to introduce "Timeline" shortly, and it will make Facebook a one-stop media destination.