Thrillbillies To Perform At Lakeside Park
Although I call Minnesota home now (and it’s by far my favorite place where I’ve ever lived) I was born and raised in the deep, dirty, southern hills of Kentucky. And Yes, everything you’ve heard about the south is true. No one has teeth, we don’t wear shoes, and everyone drives a General Lee (okay, those are exaggerations.)
One thing I didn’t like about growing up in the south was the music. I have endured WAY too much bluegrass and country music over the course of my 24 years on this planet, I hope I don’t spend one more second having to listen to it. It’s just not my style.
But hey, I know plenty of people that love those genres, and that’s totally fine (as long as you don’t make me listen to it.) If you dig bluegrass and country music you might want to check out the Thrillbillies when they play Lakeside Park (Big Lake.) They’ll be performing there on June 7th and 14th at 7 pm on both dates, and admission is free.
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