Today is the Best Day to Book Your Flights for the Holidays
If your a planner, which I am not, you want to book your flights today to get the best deals on holiday flights. Personally, I used to end up paying top fare because I was a last minute traveler. Then I married a chronic planner and was amazed at how much a little planning can save.
Thanksgivng and Christmas, of course, are big travel holidays. Most of us want to spend the holidays with friends and family, which quite often requires some travel.
According to Triple-A , today is the best day to book your flights for Thanksgiving and tomorrow is the best day to make those reservations for Christmas. The Monday before Thanksgiving is the cheapest day to fly. For your Chistmas plans, Christmas Eve is the cheapest day to fly.
Or, you could be like me and stay home and let family and friends come to you. I think that's the best plan. I like to save my travel budget for a mid winter getaway.
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