We Spent Over 39 Billion Drunk Shopping Last Year
I've said it before and I'll say it again, sometimes when we are drunk and/or high we make bad decisions. Frequently, this is costing us money. Finder.com sid a study and found we spent over 39 billion son spontaneous purchases on the internet when we were in an "altered" state.
Evidently, 26% of people surveyed said they made purchases while they were drunk and/or high. It all adds up to be 53.4 million intoxicated people shopping and spending an average drunken amount of $736.
Men are spending a bit more than women, averaging $870 annually. Millennials are spending an average of $1,047 annually, as opposed to baby boomers that spend $466 and Gen Xers spending an average of $469.
I've always said that maybe a breathalyzer on computers might just be a good idea, for more reasons than one.
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