What I Like About Minnesota’s Frigid Temps
I swear, I have to find some kind of silver lining in all this freezing cold weather. I've spent over 30% of my life in warmer climates and for some odd reason, I'm always drawn back to the tundra.
So, in an effort to stay positive until more palatable temperatures return, whenever that will be, here are a few things that could be seen a positive about our current wintry stuff.
My drinks stay cold when I put them on the window sill
No bugs
Astro, my dog, takes care of his business outside much quicker
Don't have to mow the lawn
Trash can doesn't stink
When I trip, I can blame it on the ice
I can,technically, walk on water
That pesky sun doesn't shine all damn day
I appear somewhat hearty to my warm weather friends on Facebook
And finally, I rarely have to "adjust" my stuff
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