
Gigi & I Adopted Each Other This Weekend (Thanks To Grey Face Rescue)
Gigi & I Adopted Each Other This Weekend (Thanks To Grey Face Rescue)
Gigi & I Adopted Each Other This Weekend (Thanks To Grey Face Rescue)
Grey Face Rescue & Retirement is a St. Cloud foster-based animal rescue focusing on senior dogs. Saturday at their 'More Wine, Less Bark' fundraiser at Konrad's Wine Bar I met Gigi, a 7 year-old Airedale mix -- and it was love at first sight. I adopted her from Grey Face, and she's a total rock star!
Dog Blog: My Dog Tore His CCL
Dog Blog: My Dog Tore His CCL
Dog Blog: My Dog Tore His CCL
We finally got the official diagnosis on why our dog has been limping around for the last couple weeks and it's not good.
Golden Retrievers Help Newtown Mourners Deal With Their Grief
Golden Retrievers Help Newtown Mourners Deal With Their Grief
Golden Retrievers Help Newtown Mourners Deal With Their Grief
There is nothing anyone can do to take away the pain the community of Newtown, Connecticut is going through right now. But a charity group from Illinois is using man's best friend to provide a little comfort to those who are mourning the loss of life from last Friday's mass school shooting.
17 Dogs Dressed Like Santa
17 Dogs Dressed Like Santa
17 Dogs Dressed Like Santa
Santa Claus rules. Unless his beard gets stuck mid-mall stunt, then his cool status gets a little iffy. But otherwise, good ol' St. Nick is really awesome. Why? For starters, he has reindeer as pets, gives out presents for a living and gets thousands of free homemade cookies on Christmas Eve. Basically, the guy's livin' the life. It's no wonder he's survived to be like, hundreds of years old! Read
Pug Avengers to the Rescue!
Pug Avengers to the Rescue!
Pug Avengers to the Rescue!
This adorable video shows four pugs dressed up like the Avengers, or at least dressed up like the Avengers for as long as one can reasonably expect a pug to keep a costume on. If you have access to this many pugs and you aren't doing this with them, you're doing it wrong.
2012 Humpy Awards
2012 Humpy Awards
2012 Humpy Awards
Congratulations to Miss Hope for taking home the first prize at the first-ever Humpy Awards. Miss Hope is an eight-year-old Jack Russell terrier who judges thought was the best dog when it came to leg-humping. That's what the Humpy Awards are all about, as you can see in this hilarious video...
Introducing DOGTV – That’s Right, TV for Your Dog [VIDEO]
Introducing DOGTV – That’s Right, TV for Your Dog [VIDEO]
Introducing DOGTV – That’s Right, TV for Your Dog [VIDEO]
I am so getting this! I have a 5 month old Beagle named Lucy and I always leave the radio on for her when I leave. I feel like it makes her not feel so lonely at home alone. But now that I know DOGTV exists, I am totally subscribing - check out a preview of what they show on the dog friendly television network.