Bank Destroys the Closs Home- This Was the Right Decision
This house.. .which was the former home of the Closs family before tragedy struck, has been demolished. The house was owned by the bank since Jayme Closs had been kidnapped and her parents murdered.
Now, if you are the bank, in a normal situation, you would probably try and find another buyer. Try and recoup some of the money that is still owed on a loan, and move on. In this situation- A) who would want this? B) the house holds so many bad memories for Jayme and the rest of her extended family. The bank's decision to destroy it is the absolute right decision.
At the sentencing, Jayme had this to say and it probably played a part in the bank's decision...
It's good that it's gone and remove at least a part of that horrible chapter in Jayme's life.