Difference in Weather Warnings- Texas VS Minnesota
We all know how crazy this weather has been lately. It's been cold. It's been frigid. It's been bitterly and dangerously cold here in Minnesota. We get it, it's cold. Myself, I haven't gone out that much in the last week or so. I pretty much venture out if I have to. Like going to work, if I have to go to the grocery store, you know, that sort of thing. But I'm not spending any more time outside than I have to.
The poor dog hasn't been out for his daily walks in almost 2 weeks because it's too cold for him. He goes out to do his "business" and comes right back in. And let's be honest, if he didn't have to do that outside, he wouldn't. We are on "high alert" watching to make sure he doesn't have an accident inside simply because he doesn't want to go out. He's only a year old and a small dog, so ya know...
Anyway, when I went out this weekend because I had to get some things at a "big box store", I was so surprised. It was PACKED! And I thought yep, we're Minnesotans, a little cold weather isn't going to stop us from doing what we always do. Basically it was business as usual here, except for some schools being either delayed or going to distance learning again for a bit. It really doesn't faze us, just bundle up and go about your business.

Which brings me to Texas. This weather has been crazy for them. Freezing rain, 100 car pile up, temps in the mid teens and low 20s. But it doesn't las that long. Also, the 6 inches of snow that fell in some parts. I get that one, they really don't have the equipment to clean that up. But you would think that it was Armageddon. They basically rolled up the sidewalks due to this weather which isn't half as bad as what we, in Minnesota are dealing with. What would they do with our weather?
There was this Facebook post that I found that shows the difference between weather warnings. Just depends on what you're used to.
Luckily, relief is in sight. This weekend we are supposed to be back in the 30s, near 40 next week. So, this 2 weeks of "real Winter weather" is almost over. Cheers! We made it!
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