Hudson, WI Now Approved a Curfew Because of Minnesotans
UPDATE: We talked about this a few days ago, now it has been approved. Hudson, Wisconsin has approved a curfew for 3 days a week. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, establishments that have a Class B Beer license, Class B intoxicating liquor/Class C Wine license for alcohol consumption on their premises will need to close by 10pm on those nights. If there is a violation of this ordinance, the business could lose their liquor license.
The uptick in population at the local bars has been since Minnesota Governor Walz put restrictions on bars and restaurants. There has also been an uptick in crime since the restriction went into effect. Hudson Mayor believes that this is mostly because of people from Minnesota crossing the border to drink at the Wisconsin located bars and restaurants.
Earlier this week, there was a fatal stabbing, with 2 others injured. Two people have been arrested in connection with the stabbing.
This curfew will also be in effect on December 23, 24 and also on December 31, which is New Year's Eve. Which does give the idea that Governor Walz plans to extend the restriction in Minnesota through the holidays. Right now, the restriction is set to expire on the 18th of this month. Most Minnesotans have guessed that it will be extended through the end of the year, and possibly into the beginning of 2021. Walz is expected to make that announcement later this week.
So, with that in mind, if you normally would go out to dinner for New Year's Eve, you might want to think about planning your take-out meal now.
Parishioners of St. Mary's in Melrose Have A New Home