
Minnesota Winter Heating Safety Checklist
Minnesota Winter Heating Safety Checklist
Minnesota Winter Heating Safety Checklist
With the first chill of the season settling in on us here in Minnesota, it's time to take a few proactive steps to ensure we stay safe and warm this winter. About 10% of residential fires are related to heating, so consider this list from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and find out what to do before the first cold snap.
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July!
I am here wishing you and your family a happy Fourth of July! Independence Day is statistically the most dangerous U.S. holiday, with the highest report of injuries out of all the major holidays. I know, I know, I'm shocked too that it isn't St. Patty's day with all that green beer and those crazy leprechauns...but apparently that's not the case. So please, BE SAFE, and have fun!