The Loon Morning Show Rundown: November 5th [AUDIO]
As heard on the November 5th show:
1. Send Poop to Anyone Anywhere in the World
We honestly thought this was a joke at first, but it's true. The website is called and not only will they ship your choice of animal poop to anyone anywhere anonymously, but they'll do it with a personalized message. You can even pick the packaging. It's not a fertilizer service. They market sending poop to people, because you don't like them.
2. Two Dozen Retailers Buck the Trend of Opening on Thanksgiving
And counting? It sure would be nice to give people a real holiday here and there to spend with their families. In what has become a race to open earlier and earlier every year, it's refreshing to see the bubble finally start to burst on this madness. This year almost two dozen businesses, including Costco, will be closed on turkey day.
3. Is the Internet the Most Essential Part of Your Day?
Survey says "Yes". In fact, the internet ranked higher than food and family on a list of daily essentials. Who needs food when you can look at pictures of food online?
4. Marijuana Wins in Alaska, D.C. and Oregon
With Oregon becoming the third U.S. state to fully legalize marijuana possession and sale. Starting in July of 2015 Oregon residents will legally be able to own eight ounces and four plants of weed. D.C.'s "grow and give" system seems short-term as the sale of cannabis is still not permitted??? Why not take that glorious tax money for your state?
5. And the President of the Morning Show is...
After weeks and weeks of voting and billions upon billions of dollars in attack ads, we're finally ready to reveal who won this thing by popular vote.