Up and Slightly Adam from Parkwood 17 Talks This Weekends Movie Releases
Once again, as we do every Thursday morning on the morning show, Up and Slightly Adam joined us to let us know what to expect as far as movie releases for the weekend. Adam is the manager of Parkwood 17, formerly Parkwood 18 but they nixed one of the theaters to make room for a great eating establishment. It's pretty cool. You can order up some food and your favorite adult beverage and bring it all into the theater with you to further enhance your movie going experience. Some of the movies showing this weekend, "Wrinkle in Time" with a star studded cast. Also, "Hurricane Heist" will be on the big screen this weekend. This one is about an attempted robbery at Fort Knox during a hurricane and how a heroic weather man tries to thwart the robbery. "Strangers prey at Night" is a scary one that's sure to keep you checking under the bed at night.