It's no secret we here at the Loon are just like you: We love beer. But, how did the craft brewing industry go from a hobby in the garage to a huge public industry? Here's the answer. 

Of course it would be a tragedy if we didn't mention our favorite craft brewers: Third Street Brewhouse. Find it at your favorite liquor store or beverage establishment. With them it truly is all about the beer.

For most of the 20th century, beer was dominated by large-scale breweries like Anheuser-Busch, Miller and Coors. By the early 80's, through industry consolidation there were little more than 100 breweries left in the US. The result was an entirely American style of beer, one that had been diluted, homogenized and mass produced. In this environment, American beer lovers seeking quality and variety began brewing their own with a few intrepid pioneers eventually going commercial. With this, a new movement in American brewing began, one of smaller producers focusing on quality over quantity. This is a story of Craft Beer.


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