It's not just a new year; it's also the beginning of Girl Scout cookie season. This is the first week that booths will be up at various locations across the United States selling their infamous cookies, and will be the last year that two of those delicious cookies will be offered.


Remember when the Girl Scouts introduced the 'Raspberry Rally' flavor? Boxes sold out and if you wanted them you had to go to eBay and purchase a box for $30! That cookie went away already; so there won't be any fighting over it this year.

Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash
Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash


That's not the only Girl Scout cookie that will be disappearing. Another cookie that was introduced back in 2017 was the S'Mores cookie. It will be going away, along with the 'Toast-Yay,' introduced to the public in 2021.

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No need to panic this year, however. Both of the cookies will be available for purchase in 2025, but will not make it to see 2026.

Does this mean that in 2026 we will see new flavors of GirlScout Cookies? Anything is possible, and I would imagine that sales increase when you either introduce a new cookie or take one away.


Wondering what a box of cookies will run you this year? It looks like a box of cookies could be anywhere from $4 to $7 in 2025. Here in central Minnesota, we can get our cookies from 'Girl Scouts Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines, starting in mid-February. You can text 59618 to stay up to date on all the latest in Girl Scout cookie news in central Minnesota.


This year, Girl Scout cookie star flavors will include the following:

  • Adventurfuls: Brownie-like cookies topped with caramel creme and a hint of sea salt.
  • Caramel Chocolate Chip: These cookies are gluten-free. They are chewy and delicious, with caramel and semisweet chips with a hint of sea salt.
  • Caramel Delites/Samoas: These long-time favorites for coconut lovers feature coconut, caramel, and chocolate stripes. Ooh! Give me a cookie now!
  • Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookie/Do-si-dos: These are crispy and crunch oatmeal sandwich cookies with a tasty peanut butter filling.
  • S'mores: This is a crunchy graham sandwich cookie that has a marshmallow and chocolate filling. Ooh...give me s'more!  Get them while you can! This is the last year they are being offered.
  • Lemonades: I've always loved this lemony shortbread cookie. It's covered with a delicious lemon-flavored icing.
  • Lemon-Ups: These are crispy lemon cookies that have inspiring messages on them. What a great idea!
  • Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs: One of the classics. Cookies layered with peanut butter and then covered with a chocolaty coating. Everyone I know tries to make these at home, but nothing compares to the Girl Scout cookie Tagalong!
  • The One...The only....Thin Mint! The day they take away my Girl Scout Thin Mints may be the day the earth stops spinning. As always, The Thin Mint cookie is a crisp chocolate cookie dipped in a delicious, addictive mint coating. Who can eat only one? I can! One box that is.
  • Toast-Yay! - This will be the last year you can enjoy the Toast-Yay; a toast-shaped cookie with all the flavor of real French Toast, dipped in a delicious icing. If you want it, you'll have this year only to get a few boxes.
  • Toffee-tactic: Toffee lovers everywhere rejoice. The Toffe-tastic buttery cookie is gluten-free and has tasty crunch toffee bits throughout. Yummy.
  • Trefoils: This cookie was inspired by the original Girl Scout Cookie recipe, it is a mouthwatering shortbread cookie that tastes so buttery and sweet that you keep coming back for more.

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