Peter Frampton

Peter Frampton Credits David Bowie For Saving His Career
Peter Frampton Credits David Bowie For Saving His Career
Peter Frampton Credits David Bowie For Saving His Career
David Bowie's 1987 album 'Never Let Me Down' is considered to be among his worst, but for Peter Frampton, its importance can not be overstated. In a new interview, he credits his time with Bowie, both on the album and its accompanying tour, for helping revive his career.
Peter Frampton + Other Rockers Lament Loss of Stolen Gear
Peter Frampton + Other Rockers Lament Loss of Stolen Gear
Peter Frampton + Other Rockers Lament Loss of Stolen Gear
It seems like a glamorous life, but the touring musician’s existence is littered with pitfalls most of us never even have to think about — including the destruction or theft of gig money, gear, and instruments, many of which are vintage, customized, or have deep sentimental value to their owners.